A New Year’s wish for our troops

Dear Readers: Happy New Year! Twenty-Ten; Two O, One O; Two Thousand and Ten; Twenty One O — however you say it, it’s here.

I hope you and your family, friends and pets are safe, sound and looking forward to the coming year. Many people make resolutions for the new year — I don’t, because it seems that they fall by the wayside in a short time. Instead, I write a list of 10 goals or things I would like to work toward, have happen, or just plain reach for the stars. They go back 20 years.

One of the “reach for the stars” items came true! Exactly this time last year, I was getting ready to jump out of a perfectly good airplane on purpose the next day! Yep, my dream of doing a tandem jump with a member of the U.S. Army Golden Knights Parachute Team came through. We took off from Stinson Airport in San Antonio at about 2 p.m. (we had an almost six-hour weather delay), and then from 13,700 feet, I sped toward the earth for about a 45-second free fall, attached to Sgt. 1st Class Mike Elliott. He then opened the chute (with quite a jerk and jolt!), and he maneuvered us to the spot on the field marked with Golden Knight flags. It was really spectacular to see beautiful San Antonio from this viewpoint, ending with a stand-up landing!

The most important thing I learned from the experience is that teamwork means TEAMWORK! The whole team, from pilots and riggers to videographers and jumpers, works as a group toward the goal: a safe, fun jump. Also, when Lt. Col. Tony Dill, commander of the team, says it’s a go or a no-go, that’s the final word.

Another lesson learned is that the amount of preparation, training, thinking, training — and oh, did I mention training? — pays off when it’s time for the real deal! My sincere and warm thanks to all involved for making my jump safe, fun and exactly what I had imagined.

Being the daughter of an Air Force pilot, my late father, Lt. Col. Mike Cruse, always said there was no reason to jump out of a perfectly good airplane! However, this was an exception to the rule. Being privileged enough to visit military installations across the country, spend time with families and visit with our service members through the years has allowed me to share with you a little of military life. It involves the whole family, not just the service member, so if you can help in some small way, please do so — donate blood, send goodies to the troops or just plain say “thank you” when you can. No matter where you live, there is a way you can help.

Soft, safe landings! Heloise

P.S.: Visit my Web site, www.Heloise.com, for photos and more of the story. Anytime, any place, I’ll put my life in the capable hands of Golden Knights!

King Features Syndicate