Canfield band fundraiser set for Saturday

CANFIELD — The Canfield Band Parents will have its annual pasta dinner and Chinese auction from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday in the Canfield High School cafeteria.

The menu includes pasta, DiRusso meatballs and sausage, tossed salad, bread, dessert and beverage. The price is $7 for a large portion and $5 for a small portion. Carryout meals will be available.

The Chinese auction, featuring gift baskets, gift certificates and other various donated items, will close at 4:30 p.m.

The event will raise funds for scholarships, instrument repair and replacement, travel, adjudicated event fees and awards.

Entertainment throughout the day will be provided by the high school and middle school bands:

U11:30 a.m.: high school concert band

U12:15 a.m.: high school symphonic band

U1:15 p.m.: fifth-grade band

U2:15 p.m.: sixth-grade band

U3:30 p.m.: seventh- and eighth- grade concert band

U4:45 p.m.: seventh- and eighth- grade symphonic band

For more information, contact the high school band office at (330) 533-5507, ext. 2305.