Open market, outdoor cafes planned for Croatian event

YOUNGSTOWN — The second annual Croatian Pride Day has been scheduled to begin at 1 p.m. March 6 at St. George Croatian Center Home, 3200 Vestal Road.

The event has been patterned after typical open markets and outdoor cafes found throughout Croatia, where vendors will provide a wide variety of handmade items, including music CDs. Throughout the day patrons will be able to purchase and sample such Croatian delicacies as goulash, cevapcici, kolbasi, schnitzel, sarma, strudel, kolachi, potato salad and coleslaw.

From 1:30 p.m. until closing music for listening and dancing will be provided by the Happy Hearts Tamburitzans, and by Peter and David Kosovec, Bob Sestili and Justin Greenwald, a talented group of musicians.

There will be a 50-50 raffle and a Chinese auction.

For more information call (330) 788-2154 or (550) 799-0914.