HELOISE: Has your purse been stolen in a grocery store?

Dear Heloise: I recently read the hint in your column for grocery-shopping safety. I have been practicing these hints for years, along with another great tip. I place my purse in the child seat of the shopping cart, use the child safety belt to wrap around my purse strap a couple of times, then clasp the belt together. I rarely turn away from my cart, but just in case I do, my purse is secure from would-be snatchers. Kathy, Rogersville, Tenn.

Kathy, I see many women do this. But please keep in mind that someone can reach in and grab your wallet or checkbook! Never turn your back or look away — it takes only a second to “liberate” something. We have printed this caution many times, and wonder how many times purse theft occurs in a grocery store.

So, has this happened to you or someone you know? What was the outcome? Send your reply to Heloise@Heloise.com, fax to (210) HELOISE (435-6473), or mail to Heloise/Purse, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279. Heloise

Dear Heloise: While my niece’s husband is serving in Iraq, she laminated an 8-by-10 photo of her husband. The photo is in their son’s toys. He plays with it often, and when he picks the photo up, he’s told “That’s Daddy.” Janis Stanley, Kilgore, Texas

Janis, this is a wonderful hint and a super way to keep children reminded of what an absent parent looks like. Heloise

Dear Heloise: Automobile drivers should be reminded that when cleaning snow from their windshields, they also should clear the snow from headlights and taillights. Ben, Hope, Ark.

Ben, safety first! Thank you for writing. Heloise

Dear Heloise: The last thing I like to do before guests arrive is install a new full roll of toilet paper in every bathroom. I have been stranded too many times at other places! I use the partial rolls after the guests are gone. Carol, Colorado Springs, Colo.

Dear Heloise: Like many readers, I take a variety of supplements, vitamins and some prescriptions. My medicine cabinet looks like a pharmacy. To know when I need to reorder, I turn the container upside down. That way, with a single glance, I know what’s needed. Michael B., Thousand Oaks, Calif.

Dear Heloise: Regarding the letter about packing an emergency bag for unplanned trips to the emergency room: When my mother was taken to the ER, we didn’t know what medications she was on. We also didn’t know she was allergic to morphine and penicillin. Please have your loved ones keep a list of all medications, doctors’ names and phone numbers, and a brief medical history someplace where it can be retrieved easily in an emergency. Ruthy in Texas

Dear Heloise: A travel toothbrush holder is an ideal way to transport a small knife for picnics, work, etc. Barb in Minneapolis

SBlt Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to Heloise@Heloise.com.

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