Old-school skills

The Vindicator (Youngstown)


Shaniya Ray, 10, left, and Yanessa Butler, 7, both members of the Boys and Girls club of Youngstown, watch as Katherine Bair, tutorial and enrichment director for the club, demonstrates crocheting at the club Monday, Dec. 27.

The Vindicator (Youngstown)


Shaniya Ray, 10 (left), and Yanessa Butler, 7 (center), and Yeleysa Butler, 10, all members of the Boys and Girls club of Youngstown, watch as Katherine Bair, tutorial and enrichment director for the club, demonstrates crocheting on Monday, Dec. 27.

By William D. Lewis



The Boys and Girls Club of Youngstown, 2105 Oak Hill Ave., offers a number of programs for area children, including sports, computer skills and homework help.

One of the programs offered, however, is a bit more old-school.

Katherine Bair, tutorial and enrichment director at the club, learned how to crochet from her mother and thought the kids at the club might want to give the traditional craft a try.

On a recent morning, a group of several girls gathered round as Bair shared her knowledge and let the girls try their hand at making a hat.

Shaniya Ray, 10, a member of the club said, “It’s cool to be able to make something.”

Bair said it is good for the kids’ self-esteem and empowering for them to be able to make useful items.

Bair added she would like to start a sewing program at the Boys and Girls Club.