ODDLY ENOUGH: Man pushes stolen TV past police station


Man pushes stolen TV past police station


Prosecutors in Washington state say a man was arrested when he was caught wheeling a 50-inch television in a shopping cart right past a police station.

Seattlepi.com reports that a bystander called 911 to report that she saw a man grab the TV out of the back of a delivery truck, load it in the cart and start pushing it away.

An Auburn police officer heard dispatchers relay the call as he was pulling into the police station parking lot — and then he saw the man, dressed entirely in camouflage, walking by with the cart.

French-fry dispute


Police say a dispute over the freshness of french fries got heated at a McDonald’s near Sandusky.

Authorities say a customer refused fries waiting Sunday night in their serving pouches. The manager insisted the fries were fresh.

Police say they were called when the customer said he wouldn’t leave until he got different fries. He told officers a McDonald’s employee struck him with a mop.

The Sandusky Register reports that a witness said the worker acted only as though he was going to hit the man.

No charges were filed. Police say the man got his money back and left without fries.

Associated Press