Lawrence County OKs 2011 budget with no tax hike

By Mary Grzebieniak


Lawrence County commissioners unanimously adopted a 2011 budget Tuesday that keeps property taxes the same and reduces expenditures 1.8 percent from 2010 even though it gives employees a 3 percent raise.

Commissioners do not expect layoffs in the new year, but Commissioner Richard DeBlasio noted that county’s budget largely depends on Governor-elect Tom Corbett’s proposed state budget, which will be unveiled at the end of February.

Lawrence County Chief Deputy Controller Dave Prestopine told commissioners at their meeting Tuesday that the county will finish 2010 comfortably. The general-fund total Tuesday was $787,976, which is enough to meet this week’s $450,000-to-$500,000 final 2010 payroll. He said additional property-tax receipts also are likely before Dec. 31.

There were no major changes in the budget that was introduced Dec. 7, and the general-fund total for 2011, which includes money to operate county offices, remains at $25,760,428.

DiBlasio announced, however, that since the budget was proposed, the county has received final word that the 2010 salary increase for elected officials will be 1.5 percent, based on the 2010 Consumer Price Index. He said all three commissioners have agreed to donate their increases to the United Way. According to the controller’s office, this amounts to $891.15 for each commissioner, based on their salaries of $59,411.09. Commissioner Steve Craig explained that commissioners must legally accept the raises, but said they want to donate them to local charities since these are “pretty hard times.”

DeBlasio said that the other elected officials also have agreed to donate their increases to various charities. The amount the other officials make varies.

This does not include the district attorney, judges or district magistrates who are paid by the state, not the county.

Also Tuesday, commissioners made several appointments:

Dr. Mohammad Ali, Robert Foht, Donna Kelly, Henry Karki and Gale Young were appointed to the Mental Health/Mental Retardation Advisory Board to a term to expire Dec. 31 2013;

Eric Eagen and DeBlasio were re-appointed to the Conservation Board of Directors until Dec. 31, 2014, and 2011 respectively;

Carmen Rozzi was reappointed to the Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission until Dec. 31, 2013, and all three commissioners were appointed to the SPC until Dec. 31, 2011;

Lawrence Lambo, Amy McKinney, Carmen Rozzi and Craig were reappointed to the Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission Water Planning Advisory Board until Dec.31, 2011;

Gerry Senchak was appointed to the Municipal Authority until Jan. 1, 2015;

Ryan Kegal was appointed to the Redevelopment Authority until Jan.1, 2015;

Dom Viccari, Lawrence Lambo and Linda Nitch were appointed to the County Planning Commission for four-year terms;

And commissioners hired Maher Duessel, a Pittsburgh accounting firm, to do the 2010 county audit for an amount not to exceed $73,000.