HELOISE: Try less detergent and more rinsing

Dear Heloise: I recently performed a little experiment. I washed my sheets in the washer, without any detergent. To my surprise, after the washer filled and agitated for a minute or two, there were soap bubbles in the water!

I probably had put too much detergent in a previous load. I let the washer finish and dried the sheets as normal. They were wonderfully crisp, clean and fresh.

So my hint is to use less detergent and rinse more often.

A Reader, via e-mail

How right you are! Most people do use way too much laundry detergent. How many of us really measure? More is not better, and is, in fact, worse! For other readers, run a load of just sheets and towels with NO detergent, and don’t be surprised if you see suds!


P.S.: Too much detergent, especially powder, also can be harmful to the washer and the drain lines.

Dear Readers: Dryer eat one sock? Don’t worry — put the other one to good use:

Dust window blinds.

Tie in a knot for the dog to play with.

Pop small items in it (jewelry, lingerie, etc.) when traveling.

Insulate a cold bottle of water.

Polish and dust shoes.


Dear Readers: We are revisiting some timeless Letters of Thought that have run through the years. Here is one that is perfect, especially with the stressful holiday season here:

“Did you know that the whole family’s mood is usually determined by Mom’s mood? So when you get up in a grumpy mood, don’t let on. Just grin and bear it. Smooth your hair down and do a little something special for breakfast.

“No one will know your mood, and, before you know it, those smiles received for your extra show of love will brighten your day beyond measure. Try it.”


Dear Heloise: Ironing can be much easier on your back and legs if you lower your ironing board, pull up a chair (preferably one with casters) and iron away. I’ve been ironing this easy way for years!

Pearl Chait in Dallas

Dear Heloise: The holidays are here, and I finally have figured out what to do with the many bath gift sets I receive. I don’t always like the fragrance but hate to regift or throw it away, so now I put the bath gel in my hand soap dispenser and use it for hand-washing soap in the kitchen, bath or anywhere there is a sink. Saves me a little money, too!

Becky McCarter, via e-mail


Dear Heloise: I have a whole linen closet full of ruffled towels, and the borders shrink long before the towels are worn out. Why can’t we buy towels that do not have woven borders?

Alica Akin in Grand Haven, Mich.

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, fax it to 210-HELOISE or e-mail it to Heloise@Heloise.com.

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