oddly enough

oddly enough

Rider pulls knife on cabbie, leaves tip


A California taxi passenger may have an anger problem, but he’s no Grinch.

Police in Sacramento got a report that a man pulled a knife on a cab driver during a dispute over the weekend but still made sure to pay his fare — plus tip.

The Sacramento Bee says the rider argued with the driver about his desired destination Saturday then pulled out a folding-blade knife, prompting the driver to run away on foot.

The passenger also fled — after leaving his cab fare and a tip.

Police say the passenger has not been found.

Wildlife center seeks fish for injured bird


An Ohio wildlife center is fishing for special donations to satisfy an injured bird’s appetite through the winter.

The Sanders Wildlife Rehabilitation Center near Canton in northeast Ohio is caring for a double-crested cormorant found on a road with broken wing bones. The bird isn’t able to fly south for the winter; it’s not expected to be healthy again before April.

The cormorant eats up to 2 pounds of fish per day, and wildlife center staffer Kristen Beck tells The Repository of Canton the facility has a limited budget.

So, it’s asking people to bring in small fish, dead or alive as long as the heads are still intact.

‘Santa Claus’ robs yacht club bar


Call it a ho-ho-holdup.

Police say a man dressed as Santa Claus has robbed a Rhode Island yacht club.

Authorities say a bartender was alone in the East Providence Yacht Club Sunday night when a large man wearing a red suit, red hat, white beard and carrying a sack walked into the bar and brandished a gun.

The bartender fled and ran to a nearby business where she called 911.

By the time police arrived, the Santa bandit — as well as an undetermined amount of cash from the register — was missing.

Co-owner Tony Perry says he’s just glad no one was hurt.

There were no immediate arrests.

Associated Press