HELOISE: Make Friday a day for leftovers

Dear Heloise: I keep reading tips from people about how to know which foods in the fridge need to be eaten soon, etc. It’s a whole lot easier at my house. We just eat leftovers every Friday. Whatever has been in the fridge all week gets eaten when we have “smorgasbord” day!

I heat it all up and put it on the table, and everyone takes whatever he or she wants to eat. I never have to throw food out, and never wonder how long something’s been in there.

Pam Burton, via e-mail

Love it! Clean out the fridge, use up leftovers, and no cooking, per se!


Dear Heloise: I have come up with a few ideas on how to make wedding-dress shopping smoother. After trying on so many dresses, you select your dream wedding dress. First thing, take a picture of you in the dress, front and back views. You now have a record of what you’ve ordered, and you can show your family and friends what the dress looks like after you leave the salon. Take a picture of the tag attached to the dress, to be sure you have a record of the dress’s model number, just in case there is a mistake in ordering.

There may be a few months between when you ordered the dress and your first fitting, and with all the things that you have to remember, you may forget a few of your dress’s details, especially when you think you’ve gotten the wrong dress.

Donna E., via e-mail

Dear Heloise: I keep a journal when I’m traveling and write anytime I’m sitting on a bus, train, plane, etc. When using public transportation, I write down the name of the bus company, cab company, etc., as well as its license plate or vehicle ID number. If you find something or lose something, you can ID the vehicle and perhaps recover your lost articles, or return found articles to their owner.

Karen P., via e-mail

Dear Heloise: I learned this from my son-in-law, who is a fishing guide. To keep a fishing lure with the line on it, buy a CD or DVD flip case. Put the lure in a small, plastic zippered bag. You can put one in each CD sleeve. It’s great — you can flip through them very easily. When you are done using the lure, just wash it off, place it back in the bag and put it back in the holder.

Pat Maxwell in Washington

Dear Heloise: I insert a cup hook inside my bathroom cabinet and hang a microfiber cloth on it. Using the cloth makes a quick cleanup in the morning to wipe the sink, counter, and mirror, if necessary. This works well for me.

J.R. in Florida

I do the same, and it does help keep the area clean and looking nice without much effort.


Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, fax it to 210-HELOISE or e-mail it to Heloise@Heloise.com.

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