Show choir entertains pupils

By Ashley Luthern


From “Jingle Bells” to “Carol of the Bells,” the Poland Seminary High School show choir wowed a crowd of students at Union Elementary Wednesday.

Union Elementary Principal Carmella Smallhoover said the annual concert is one of the most “meaningful” events at the school.

“What we love most is the young people coming back to the school,” she said. “It’s also inspiring to the students that they might be in the show choir when they get to high school.”

For three sisters, the day was extra special.

Emily and Alison Begalla donned sparkly blue dresses as part of their show-choir uniform and sang in front of an audience that included their sister, third-grader Caroline Begalla.

“It felt great,” said Emily, a high school senior. “It was great to come back here to Union.”

Alison, a sophomore, added that Caroline is not only going to the same school elementary school, but even has the same teachers.

Caroline said that she “really liked the show” and that her favorite song was “Deck the Halls.”

“She knew we were coming today, and she was really, really excited,” Emily said.

The choir, directed by Stephanie Chizmar, sang a variety of songs, including a Christmas medley and “Blue Rondo a la Christmas,” which Chizmar described as the holiday rush usually seen on U.S. Route 224.

“The kids love performing at the elementary schools,” Chizmar said. “They love how excited the younger kids are for the concert.”

The show choir also sang at the high school and Poland Middle School on Wednesday. On Tuesday, the choir visited North, Dobbins and McKinley schools.

“It’s a great way to kick off the holiday season,” Smallhoover said.