Ohio ex-fugitive exec tells court she's innocent

COLUMBUS (AP) — A woman who fled to Mexico after being convicted in a $1.9 billion corporate fraud told a federal judge today that she may have made mistakes in her life but never broke any laws and is innocent of her crimes.

U.S. District Court Judge Algenon Marbley reminded Rebecca Parrett that she broke at least one law — fleeing the country instead of appearing for her sentencing more than two years ago. Parrett agreed on that point with Marbley, who then ordered her to begin serving the 25-year sentence she received in absentia last year.

"You gave your word that you would do all that was required of you," Marbley told Parrett as she stood shackled before him in a federal courtroom in Columbus. "You fled in a display of utter disregard for the justice system."

Parrett, 62, disappeared in March 2008 after she was convicted of securities fraud, wire fraud and other charges in a scheme at health care financing company National Century Financial Enterprises.