Kidnapping report on girls found in Bazetta false

Staff report


Bazetta police officers, responding to a tip, found sisters age 1 and 2 with their mother, Keyly Wade, and grandmother, Belinda Wade, in a car in the parking lot of the Bazetta Township Wal Mart Thursday afternoon.

The girls had been reported missing on Wednesday by their aunt in Easley, S.C,, triggering an Amber Alert, but police there later called the aunt’s report false and canceled it sometime Wednesday, News Channel 7 of Spartanburg, S.C., reported on its website.

The TV station said the Pickens County Sheriff’s Office in South Carolina charged the aunt, Lisa Jordan, with four counts of filing a false report, a felony. Investigators said Jordan, of Easley, told them she put the girls to bed at her house around 9 p.m. Wednesday and they were kidnapped overnight. After investigating, detectives determined Jordan’s report was false and the girls were in no danger, the station said.

After taking the girls into custody, Bazetta police turned them over to Trumbull County Children Services Board. The Pickens County Sheriff’s Office is working with Trumbull officials to get the girls home, the station said.

The mother, who does not have custody of her daughters, and grandmother were not questioned or arrested, and no charges were filed against them, the TV station said.