Dobbins students honor veterans


Neighbors | Submitted.Dobbins Elementary students made Christmas cards for military veterans that will be distributed through the Youngstown VA Clinic on Belmont Avenue. All grades participated in the holiday activity.

Veterans Day isn’t the only day service members are remembered.

Dobbins Elementary students took part in a service project to remember local veterans throughout the Valley. Kindergarten through fourth-grade students made thank-you and holiday greeting cards for the military veterans who will be visiting the Youngstown Veteran’s Clinic during December.

Each child had the opportunity to express their thanks and best wishes to an area veteran. Fourth-grader Jeremy Castro was more than happy to make cards for the service members. He isn’t too young to be patriotic.

“I made a flag on the front of my card and in it I wrote ‘Thank you for serving our country,’ because without them our country wouldn’t be safe. I’m thankful for their hard work because they put their lives on the line for us,” Castro said.