Dobbins kindergartners deliver cookies


Neighbors | Shaiyla Hakeem .Blackburn Home residents Anne Horvath (seated left) and Doris Burns received Christmas cards from Dobbins Elementary kindergartners Andrew Slavien (left), Evan Stefancin, Drake Trolio and Alyssa Glaros. The students made the cards during their class time.


Neighbors | Shaiyla Hakeem .Dobbins Elementary kindergartner Keeley Sneek passed out cookies to residents at the Blackburn Home Dec. 17. This is the sixth year the grade has delivered Christmas cookies to the facility.


Neighbors | Shaiyla Hakeem .Residents at the Blackburn Home were serenaded by kindergartners from Dobbins Elementary Dec. 17. The students sang 10 holiday songs.

A group of 39 kindergartners from Dobbins Elementary delivered cookies and the holiday spirit to residents of the Blackburn Home Dec. 17 during the annual holiday visit.

The students sang 10 Christmas favorites, including “Jingle Bells,” “Silent Night” and “Santa Claus is Coming to Town.”

Due to recent snow days, the student weren’t able to bake gingerbread cookies and create gingerbread houses as planned, but the PTO came to the rescue by baking holiday cookies for the students to deliver to the home. In addition to the sweets, each student made a Christmas card to give to one of the senior citizens at Blackburn Home.

This was the fifth year a Dobbins kindergarten class has visited the facility during the Christmas season. This spring will be the grade’s 26th annual appearance to the home where they will host a picnic and mini concert.