Mended Hearts installs new president, Joe Clark


Mended Hearts, an organization that provides support for cardiac patients and their families, recently conducted an installation ceremony at Avion on the Water. From left to right are Ervin Schwartz, visiting program chairman; Donald Feindt, treasurer; Barbara Foreman, regional director; Joe Clark, president; and Marvin Bennett, assistant regional director.


Mended Hearts Chapter 7 installed Joe Clark as president during the group’s annual luncheon Dec. 5 at Avion on the Water. He and other officers will serve from 2011 to 2013.

Conducting the installation were Barbara Forman, regional director, and Marvin Bennett, assistant regional director.

Also installed were Donald Feindt, treasurer and membership, and Daisy Pullen, secretary. Committee chairmen taking office were Lee Meadows, public relations; Pat Feindt, scholarships; Grace Leash, telephone; Ervin Schwartz and Joan Balas, visiting program; Trudy Serrino, sunshine; Meadows and Clark, speakers bureau; Sidney Harris, honorary chairman, and Dolores Iannucci, co-chairwoman, picnic; Iannucci, holiday party; and Balas, hospitality.

Clark is a Mended Hearts accredited visitor, a registered volunteer for Hands On Volunteer Network and a patient advocate at Forum Health.

Mended Hearts is a national organization with 18,000 members throughout the United States and Canada. The accredited visitors program provides a visiting program at local hospitals offering support to cardiac patients.

A speakers bureau on the subject of heart disease is available to the public. For more information contact Meadows at 330-793-2531 or Clark at 330-702-8859.