HELOISE: Does tip come before the tax?

Dear Heloise: I have a question about tipping in a restaurant. Do we tip a percentage of the full bill (including tax), or do we tip the percentage before the tax is calculated? Thank you very much!

P.F., Erie, Pa.

Tipping can be tricky! In general, the tip should equal between 15 percent and 20 percent of your total tab, before tax. Your tip reflects the good service that you receive. If you are using a coupon, tip based on the amount of the meal before the coupon discount, because the server has done the job! You can tip more for excellent service.

With the holidays coming up, some people also like to tip their housekeeper, gardener and apartment handyman. For these folks, a gift or gift card would be nice.


P.S.: Please tip well when you feel like you have been served well!

Dear Heloise: I would love to see this in print, knowing that this hint would bring happiness and satisfaction. I give gifts to several people on special occasions, such as birthdays and holidays. I’d often hear: “Not another tie!” or “I have so many blue shirts.” I came upon the idea of donating money to their favorite charity. Money well spent, and we all benefit.

Ruth in Toms River, N.J.

Dear Heloise: My right kitchen rubber glove always starts leaking before the left one (since I use my right hand more). When this happens, I use them as garden gloves. The tiny leak doesn’t bother me when I’m pulling weeds. I always wear old dress gloves inside the rubber gloves so that my hands don’t get so sweaty and I can wash the cloth gloves. Sometimes I just turn the “lefty” inside out and use it on my right hand.

G.Z. in Minnesota

Dear Heloise: Have you noticed what is going on at the grocery stores? Canned fruits and vegetables have gone from 16 ounces to 14, 141/2 or 15 ounces. Canned tuna has gone from 7 ounces to 61/2 ounces, and now to 5 ounces. This makes it difficult on somes of my favorite recipes. Now, we can’t even buy a half-gallon of ice cream! It’s down to 1.75 or 1.5 quarts. Do the people in charge of these changes think we consumers don’t notice what they are doing?

Zora in Fort Wayne, Ind.

How right you are! Many cans are smaller yet still cost the same. Folks, read the label carefully before buying an item.


Dear Heloise: I mark white polarized plugs with a black dot on top and mark the black plugs with a white dot on top. When I plug one into the wall outlet, I see the dot on top and do not have to guess which way to insert it.

E.L. in New Hampshire

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, fax it to 210-HELOISE or e-mail it to Heloise@Heloise.com.

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