ODDLY ENOUGH: Shot-up car prop causes scare in Philly


Shot-up car prop causes scare in Philly


Police officers in Philadelphia who came across a shot-up car with exposed wiring inside were about to the call the bomb squad when they found out it was a movie prop.

The Philadelphia Inquirer reports police stopped Friday morning in the Old City section when they saw the car riddled with bullet holes and side windows shot out. They also saw wires running from the trunk into the dashboard.

The officers were ready to close the street and call the bomb squad when a security guard told them it was for a film.

The thriller “Safe” with Jason Statham wrapped Thursday night after shooting in the city in recent weeks.

Contractor to replace misspelled road signs


Allegheny County public-works officials say a subcontractor will pay to replace two new road signs containing one of the most commonly misspelled names in the Pittsburgh region: Duquesne.

The signs were unveiled as part of the renovated Rankin Bridge, which leads to Duquesne among other places just east of the city. But the town’s name is misspelled D-U-Q-U-E-N-S-E instead of D-U-Q-U-E-S-N-E.

Duquesne was the name of a pre-Revolutionary War governor-general for whom Fort Duquesne was named. The historical moniker also labels a bridge, a beer, an electric company and a former sports arena in the area, to name just a few.

Still, the Pittsburgh Post- Gazette says the name is commonly misspelled.

A reporter who typed the misspelled name into the Google search engine still got 25,000 hits.

Associated Press