HELOISE: Get sitter or board pet if you take trip

Dear Readers: Sometimes it’s better to leave your pet at home if you are taking a lengthy trip.

If you can’t get a friend or relative to pet-sit in your home, a bonded pet-sitting service may be the solution. The service will charge by the day or by the visit (three or four visits per day for a dog, and one or two for a cat). A reputable pet-sitting service will be bonded, licensed and insured, and will be glad to give references. Your dog will have its normal routine maintained. Another benefit of these services is that they will water plants, pick up mail and newspapers, and keep your home looking lived in while you are gone. You can find pet-sitters in the phone book, newspaper ads or through pet-related services.

If you plan to board a pet, know that the cost of the kennel usually relates to the pet’s size and the type of facility. Don’t shop by phone, and don’t use any facility that discourages you from visiting it.

When you visit a boarding facility, check the boarding area to see that it’s clean, well-lit and free from strong odors. The facility should require current booster immunizations and have policies for emergencies. Observe the people who care for the pets. Do they seem friendly toward the animals and comfortable with them?


Dear Readers: Michael McDonald of Ohio sent a picture of his cat, Linny, getting ready for bed. To see Linny’s picture, visit www.Heloise.com.


Dear Heloise: Every time I gave my long-haired dog, Bosco, a bath, I would have to spend time on my hands and knees cleaning out the drain because it was filled with hair.

One day, my husband suggested putting a piece of old steel wool over the drain, so that when I was finished bathing Bosco, I could pick up the steel wool, hair and yuck, and simply throw it away.

Jeannie, via e-mail

If you have some old nylon-net puffs that are ready to be tossed, use one of them to block the drain.


Dear Readers: Your veterinarian is your best resource for puppy care. Also, if your city has an emergency animal-care facility or your vet recommends an animal emergency service, find out the phone number and location before you have an emergency. It’s hard to think when you are rushing around with a very sick or injured animal! And sometimes lost minutes can make a big difference!


Dear Heloise: Before spending a lot (or any) money on a pet bird, check with a local avian specialist in your area. Some birds do need special care, and it would be better to know beforehand.

Chad in Arkansas

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, fax it to 210-HELOISE or e-mail it to Heloise@Heloise.com.

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