HELOISE: If selling a home, keep it clean

Dear Readers: When selling your home in today’s market, it’s very important to have your house in perfect condition when showing it to a prospective buyer.

Here are some hints to help do just that:

To make windows really shine, add about 1 cup of vinegar to 1/2 gallon of water, pour into a spray bottle and apply to the windows. Then dry well.

To clean your microwave, add 2 tablespoons of baking soda to 1 cup of water in a 4-cup microwave-safe bowl. Turn the microwave on high for three to five minutes.

This will soften spills and any splatter on the walls and floor.

Let the cup sit for 15 minutes to cool off, and then carefully open the door and remove the cup. Use a sponge to wipe off the gunk.

To dust curtains or drapes, if you notice dust in the folds or on top, take them down. Then put the washables into the dryer on the “air” setting for several minutes to get rid of the dust.

You also can hang them outside in the fresh air (not in the direct sun).

If you smell odd odors in your house, some could be far more than just a nuisance, such as a gas leak.

They can be dangerous, so you should check them out and deal with them quickly.

Inspect and maintain the chimney, plumbing, and heating and cooling systems to prevent these potentially deadly fumes.

To quick-clean the tub, pour cheap shampoo onto a scrub brush and rub over the dirty areas.

Commercial cleaners also do a good job, as does vinegar, but don’t use it on marble or other porous surfaces.

To remove white rings from hardwood coffee tables, mix a little bit of white, nongel toothpaste with some baking soda. Rub the mixture into the white stains until warm. It takes time for the marks to go away.

When they are gone, wax or use furniture polish on the wood, if OK for the surface.

If you are selling your home yourself, job experts say to list it online. Take good pictures of the inside and outside to post online.

To prevent cockroach infestation, be aware that cockroaches love warmth, humid spots and the dark, so they can gather in your basement, kitchen and bathroom — or hide just about anywhere else in your house.

Use duct tape to seal the space around under-sink water pipes to prevent roaches from getting in.

At night, they sneak out to eat crumbs, paper with glue on it, pet food or even wax.

Good sanitation is essential, because roaches won’t drop by if there’s nothing to eat.


Dear Heloise: If you have trouble budgeting, keep track of how you spend in a spiral notebook with pages ruled off into four columns: Necessities, Comforts, Luxuries and Vices.

Soon you will see what sort of priorities you set for your money and which need changing.

Diane, via e-mail

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, fax it to 210-HELOISE or e-mail it to Heloise@Heloise.com.

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