'Miracle' overcomes struggles for 22nd performance this weekend


In one scene in the holiday musical revue “Miracle on Easy Street,” Todd Hancock takes it on the chin from a young boxer.

One can’t help but parallel the scene to the real-life blows that Hancock and his Easy Street Productions faced in the past year.

Slumping sales, a rough economy, huge production costs and mounting debt left the theater company reeling. Then Hancock suffered a minor stroke last December and required surgery on an artery in his throat, near his vocal cords.

It appeared to be the knockout punch.

But Hancock and theater partner Maureen Collins went to their corner between rounds and have come out swinging.

They’ve released a holiday CD of songs from “Miracle” and put their troupe back in the spotlight with other appearances.

And, yes, “Miracle on Easy Street” will return this weekend for the 22nd straight year.

For the complete preview, read Thursday's Vindicator or Vindy.com.