HELOISE: Baking bread? Give tips a try

Dear Readers: Do you love to make your own bread? Here are a couple of hints to help your baking come out of the oven the best it can be!

Always use fresh yeast. If it isn’t fresh, the bread probably won’t rise.

Store opened items, such as baking powder, baking soda and flour, in self-zipping plastic bags or airtight containers to keep fresh.

If you use metal baking pans, don’t use metal utensils to remove the bread. This can result in scratched pans, and future bread may stick to the pan when you try to remove it.

When bread is rising, use a clean cotton kitchen towel over the bread pan. This will keep the warmth in the pan and help bread rise faster and more evenly.

And for that nice, soft brown look, add a pat of margarine or butter on top after you take it out of the oven.


Dear Heloise: It isn’t always easy pouring gelatin into individual containers. I have found that if I mix the gelatin, water, etc., in a pitcher, stir well and then pour into the individual containers, there are no spills!

Hillary, via e-mail

Dear Heloise: Have you ever made chocolate-covered cookies, crackers or pretzels? Dipping items is not an easy chore every time.

I have found that if I melt the chocolate in a double boiler, then place a few pretzels (etc.) on a potato masher and carefully dip it into the chocolate until covered (and remove to wax paper), my project is done in no time and with little mess.

Sheryl in Montana

Dear Heloise: I was making some cookies and found that I only had white frosting, and I wanted to put color on them.

I called my mother to ask what I could do, and here is the day-saving hint she shared: She said to simply mix in a package of strawberry, raspberry or any other berry-flavored, dry (powdered), unsweetened drink mix into the white frosting. Problem solved — so thanks, Mom!

L.L., via e-mail

Dear Heloise: Here is a unique dessert that will be perfect when you are in a rush with company arriving soon. Just spoon some canned crushed pineapple on vanilla ice cream and sprinkle a few marshmallows on top.

Kerry Ann, via e-mail

Dear Heloise: Sometimes sprinkling lemon juice on food can be a challenge, with either too much or too little being dispensed. So, I found that if I pour some of the juice into a clean, glass salt shaker, I can shake as much as need, and it sure makes cooking just that much easier!

Frankie in Karnes City, Texas

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, fax it to 210-HELOISE or e-mail it to Heloise@Heloise.com.

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