HELOISE: Keeping cats off of the counter

Dear Heloise: My daughter has a problem with cats getting on her table and countertops. What is a good way to get them to stay off? Thank you.

Betty, via e-mail

Betty, this is a common problem because cats are natural jumpers and, of course, very curious. Don’t discourage their jumping; just provide alternatives, such as carpeted perches and “trees,” available at pet stores.

Keep food put away and off the counters to prevent temptation. A “hands off” way to teach nonjumping? Put aluminum foil on the counters, or aluminum pie plates that will startle a cat.

Most importantly, don’t scold or punish a cat; it’s just doing what comes naturally, and it’ll only learn to be afraid of you.


Dear Readers: Mary Bruyere of Springfield, Ill., sent a picture of her Yorkshire terrier, Corky the Yorkie, standing in his favorite chair. “He really fills my life, and talk about the exercise!” she says. To see Corky, go to www.Heloise.com and click on “Pets.”


Dear Readers: Does your dog have bad breath? The culprit could be bits of wet food stuck in between the teeth. Your veterinarian should do a tooth and gum checkup. A tooth cleaning may be all that’s needed, and afterward? A dog toothbrush and beef-flavored toothpaste for dogs. Never use human toothpaste on dogs.


Dear Heloise: To remove dog hair from sofas and chairs, I use one of the small dog brushes that I use to brush my dog. After I have removed the hair that I picked up from the brush, I give the brush a good cleaning with shampoo and warm water. Works wonders!

Anna in Virginia

Dear Readers: A fun trip through the Heloise Files! Kathy wrote, back in 1981: “The kids were playing outside when my 5-year-old ran into the house exclaiming, ‘A baby dinosaur is in the backyard!’ Of course, we went running, only to find a very scared horned toad staring up at us. A trip through the encyclopedia [That would most likely be the Internet nowadays, folks! — Heloise] gave them the particulars of this strange little creature. Kids are so much fun!”


Dear Heloise: Taking on a pet can be a big investment! After buying bowls, blankets and everything else, I checked out the dollar store. It had a lot of good pet items we use, and we saved a lot of money!

Adam in Indianapolis

Dear Heloise: Older cats and dogs can be prone to arthritis. We started grooming our dogs when they were puppies, and continue to this day with gentle brushing. The dogs are accustomed to it and really enjoy the easy grooming, since they are now older and arthritic.

S.P. in Texas

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, fax it to 210-HELOISE or e-mail it to Heloise@Heloise.com.

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