HELOISE: Drive or text, but don’t do both

Dear Heloise: I have a suggestion for reducing traffic accidents from talking on the phone or texting: Don’t. This is so obvious that no one should have to be warned. On a recent car trip with a friend who was driving, she received calls from two friends and a sister who kept her on the phone for 10 minutes telling her about their uneventful days — this after she told them she was driving. I asked her later why she didn’t tell them she would call them back later; she didn’t want to be abrupt and hurt their feelings.

My suggestion: If you call people on their cell phone and they tell you they are driving, tell them to call back when they stop somewhere, and hang up immediately. You just might be preventing an accident.

Buster in Crystal Beach, Texas

Buster, the awful statistics of tragic accidents that have happened because the driver was typing or reading a text message are upsetting. San Antonio, my hometown, just made texting while driving illegal. Folks, please do what is safe. Cell phones are now part of our busy lives, but please ask yourself, How important is that call, really?


Dear Heloise: I have so much trouble parting with books because occasionally I will go back and read a book again.

Recently, I was in the local library, and a thought came to me. I went home and packed up all my books and donated them to the library, with a note that I wanted these books to remain in the local facility. Now, if I want to read a book again, all I have to do is check it out, and I have so much more free space at home!

Shirley in Caddo Mills, Texas

As a devoted lover of books, I applaud your generosity.


Dear Heloise: Thank you for printing the comment from the reader regarding perfume. Another place to limit it is when traveling by airplane. It affects people many rows around the person. My husband has allergies to many perfumes. He rapidly developed breathing difficulties, so the flight had to be delayed until we could stabilize him and get him moved. Please remember to take a bath and be clean when anticipating being in areas that are enclosed. It would be a courtesy to others.

A Reader from Omaha, Neb.

Dear Readers: Being a Texas gal, I was pretty much born with a can of hair spray and mascara in hand. I recently bought a new mascara and carefully read the instructions. This one said that you are not supposed to let the mascara dry before applying a second coat. Ladies, next time you buy a new brand of makeup, make sure you read the instructions. You may be surprised, especially with new formulations and technology in products.


Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, fax it to 210-HELOISE or e-mail it to Heloise@Heloise.com.

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