HELOISE: Cleaning spots on stainless steel

Dear Heloise: Do you have any secrets for removing spots from a stainless-steel refrigerator, oven door, dishwasher door, trash compactor, etc.?

Jo, via e-mail

Yes, but you must work at it! I have a stainless-steel refrigerator at our coast house and had a stainless sink in our kitchen at home, and I frankly think they are a lot of work. Yes, they look great, but you must keep at it! Others love stainless steel in the kitchen and have no problem at all.

First, check your owners manual for the manufacturer’s recommendations for suggested cleaning products. The most important thing to remember is to test a hidden area first if you use anything NOT recommended.

Avoid cleaners that contain sodium chloride (salt) and/or bleach, and use nothing with abrasives.

A mild liquid detergent and tepid water is a good, all-purpose cleaning agent, or use 4-8 tablespoons of nonsudsing ammonia in a quart of water, doing one small area at a time, rinsing well, then drying.

Once the appliance is clean, use a damp microfiber cloth, and dry with a clean cloth daily, or more often, to wipe out fingerprints. Hope this helps.


Dear Readers: The fabric bags that individual bedsheets are sold in are reusable:

Put your lunch in one.

Stow powder, diaper cream and wipes for a diaper bag.

Hold tissues, keys or a few dollars.

Use as a pencil bag for small items for school.

Hold clothespins for the clothesline.


Dear Heloise: Using hand sanitizer frequently causes my hands to become very dry. There are more expensive types available, but I have found an inexpensive trick to solving this problem. Pour some vitamin E oil in the hand sanitizer and shake well. It stays mixed and leaves hands feeling soft and healthy.

Nancy in Columbus, Ohio

Nancy, we tested this hint with a capful of vitamin E to half a bottle of sanitizer, and the vote was three “yes,” one “no.” The sanitizer turned opaque and looked like lotion. Give it a try and see what you think.


Dear Heloise: Pat dry your razor after each use and store it outside your shower area so it stays completely dry between uses. The razor stays nice and sharp, but only if kept dry.

Donna Evans, via e-mail

Yes, and you can pat with hair conditioner (or baby oil) to keep the blades lubricated.

Caution: If there is any rust on the blade, toss it for safety’s sake!



Dear Heloise: I get frustrated when receptionists “blind transfer” me to voice mail. They should check if the requested person is in and, if not, jump back to me and say: “Mr. So and So is not in. Would you like his voice mail?” I know they are busy, but they can just take a moment to see who is in the office.

Frustrated in Texas

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, fax it to 210-HELOISE or e-mail it to Heloise@Heloise.com.

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