HELOISE: Website keeps her up on ‘Regis’

Dear Heloise: I was sad to find out that one of my favorite shows, “Live With Regis and Kelly,” would no longer be broadcast in San Antonio. I was pretty depressed about not being able to watch the show anymore, so I went to the show’s website and went through the chitchat from all week. It keeps me informed about what is going on in New York, and in the world. I found out I was able to watch it online. Now I can watch it whenever I want!

Esther in San Antonio

Esther, I’m with you! We miss the “Live With Regis and Kelly” show a lot here in San Antonio! Having been on the show through the years, I, too, feel like I’ve lost a close friend. I’ll be checking the website now! Hey, let’s all tell them we want it back!


Dear Heloise: I like to take stock of what is in my pantry, and I like to organize my baking staples before holiday baking begins — sugars, flavorings, spices, molasses, dried fruits, etc. This really saves dashing to the store for an ingredient I was certain I had already!

Leslie in Laguna Niguel, Calif.

Dear Heloise: I live in a single-wall-construction home a few blocks from the ocean. My closet was always damp, and things would mildew. I solved the problem by going to a marine store and buying a small dehumidifier, meant to be used on a boat. I run it during the daytime. Problem solved.

Terry in Laguna Beach, Calif.

Dear Heloise: When my husband and I visit our children, whether we stay in a hotel or at their home, I bring a small plastic box. This serves as a catchall for keys, loose change, cell phones and chargers, small toiletry items and anything else we think of. This avoids “the spread” of everything lying all over the place, and it keeps us more organized.

Jane and Tom in New Hampshire

Dear Heloise: When I get new tires, I always get the lifetime balance and rotation package. Then, every 5,000 miles when I get my oil changed, I get my tires balanced and rotated for free. I’ve got 248,000 miles on my SUV, and it’s still going strong! A mechanic friend says that frequent balancing and rotation reduces or eliminates faint vibrations, which, if unchecked, can shake a car “to pieces”!

Peter P. in McAllen, Texas

Follow the owners manual concerning scheduled tire balance and rotation for best results to keep your vehicle in tiptop shape.


Dear Heloise: I bought a backpack with wheels and filled it with the necessary items needed while traveling to stop at a rest area for lunch: tablecloth, napkins, plates, cups, etc. It comes in handy to roll to a table instead of carrying a large container.

Reba in Texas

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, fax it to 210-HELOISE or e-mail it to Heloise@Heloise.com.

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