HELOISE: Removing cord from electric blanket

Dear Heloise: My father has accumulated electric blankets through the years, and some of them don’t work anymore. He would like to know how to safely remove the electric cord inside the blanket. He remembers seeing it in your column. Could you reprint it?

A Reader, via e-mail

Happy to, as it’s a nice way to recycle, and they are great to use as lightweight blankets. Make a small cut at the top and bottom of the blanket where the wires end, grab the wires carefully, and pull the wires and thermostat out. The thermostat may be a little difficult to remove; you can make another cut to get it out, if needed. Close the cuts with a stitch or two, and you are good to go!


Dear Heloise: I was planning to make up some of your exfoliating body wash to give as Christmas presents and put the recipe with it. Now I can’t find the recipe! It had glycerin, Epsom salts, perfume or oils, and I’m not sure what else.

Vicki Dillman, via e-mail

Vicki, the Heloise Bath Salts recipe is easy to make and doesn’t cost much, either. I love using this recipe, and what a great idea for a Christmas present! Since you are planning on giving these as gifts, you could decorate the containers and attach the instructions for use.

Place 3 cups of Epsom salts in a bowl (do NOT use plastic). In another bowl, mix 1 tablespoon of glycerin, a few drops of food coloring and enough perfume or essential oil to scent it. Mix all the ingredients together. Store the mixture in a covered plastic or glass container.

When you are ready to use it, get in a hot shower and apply the salts to your skin to exfoliate and leave it soft and silky. You also can use the salts for a soothing bath; just add 1-2 cups to a tub of hot water.


Dear Heloise: When I was younger, my brother and I used to love to go Christmas shopping with my parents, but they were always nervous about losing us in the large crowds at the mall. They purchased metal Christmas-bell necklaces on strong red cords, and the necklaces became our shopping bells. We were taught that if we were separated, we were to stand still and ring that bell as loud and hard as we could.

Cecelia, via e-mail

This is a good hint for times other than the holiday season. With all the holiday sounds in a store or mall, a whistle might be a better choice than a ringing bell.


Dear Heloise: The blades on my blender would not move; I thought I would have to buy a new blender. One teaspoon of cooking oil overnight and the blender works perfectly again. Enjoy your helpful hints.

Patricia Marr in Mechanicsburg, Pa.

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, fax it to 210-HELOISE or e-mail it to Heloise@Heloise.com.

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