We eat without thinking

We eat without thinking

In response to the July 22 Vin- dicator article about chopping up body parts of an animal in a butchery class, I wanted to note the total disconnection between those who butcher and eat animals and the animals they eat.

A native American chief, Black Elk, noted this frightening and dangerous disconnection to the animals and planet Earth by our ancestors when they arrived in this new land. He warned the settlers, but they did not listen and I shudder at what we’ve become and the course we have taken. We show an utter disregard for other lives to appease the appetite and satisfy the lust of the heart. A host of health problems has accompanied this reality.

It is interesting to note that the eating of animal source foods came after sin, for it was never the creator’s intention that anything die. Sin is an intruder.

Sandy Groza Hrabowy, Boardman