

Both vulnerable. West deals.


xQ 7 6

u9 5

vA 3 2

wA J 10 7 4


x10 3 2 xJ 9 5 4

uA 10 8 6 3 2 uJ 7

vJ 5 4 vQ 10 9 6

w8 wK 6 3


xA K 8

uK Q 4

vK 8 7

wQ 9 5 2

The bidding:


2u Pass Pass Dbl

Pass 3u Pass 3NT

Pass Pass Pass

Opening lead: Six of u

Sometimes all you need is a look at your resources to determine how you should play the contract. South wasted no time in misplaying this deal.

After West’s weak two hearts opening bid was passed round to him, declarer showed his strong hand by reopening with a double. North cue-bid hearts to show his strength, and South’s three no trump ended the auction.

West’s low heart opening lead was covered by East’s jack and declarer won with the king. The queen of clubs was run to the king, and East’s heart return netted the defenders five tricks in the suit — down two.

Incidentally, declarer should always make his contract. He must duck the heart at trick one to sever the defenders’ communications in that suit, and he will end up with 10 tricks.

Give South A x x in hearts and it would have had no trouble finding the holdup play.

2010 Tribune Media Services

Copyright 2010 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.