HELOISE: Keep your washing machine efficient

Dear Readers: You probably have a favorite laundry detergent, and you hope that your clothes are getting really clean, but there are some things you can do to make sure your washing machine is doing the best job it can.

A lot depends on water temperature. Did you know that:

Hot water — removes dirt from heavily soiled clothes and kills more germs than cold water. But it can fade the dyes in some colored clothes and may cause wrinkling.

Warm water — usually gets lightly soiled clothes clean and is safe for most colored clothes.

Cold water — you need to use cold-water detergent to get clothes really clean. You also can dissolve detergent powder in hot water before adding it to the wash water.

Whatever the temperature you choose, remember, good cleaning requires having enough water in the tub for the clothes to move around and for the detergent to circulate so it can loosen and carry away soil.


Dear Heloise: When washing T-shirts that need to be hung to dry, I use hangers that have clips. I hang the shirts upside down, and I don’t have little “pokies” on the shoulders.

Melinda Friou, Houston

Dear Heloise: Without my glasses in the shower, I could not tell which bottle was shampoo and which was conditioner. I used a wide permanent black marker and marked a large “S” and “C” on the bottles. No more confusion!

Flossie Hulsizer, Springfield, Ohio

Dear Heloise: One of the best things I received as a caregiver was a tube (film canister or the kind candy comes in) filled with quarters. The film canister holds about $5, and the candy one holds about $20 in quarters. It will feed the vending machine (food, drink and newspaper) and kept the change corralled in one spot.

A Reader, via e-mail

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