HELOISE: Tips for visiting someone in hospital

Dear Readers: It seems the topic of whether to visit or not to visit someone in the hospital is ongoing! Here are just a few of the many comments we received:

Nancy from South Texas says: “Contact a family member and find out if the patient is up for a visit. Keep the visit brief; leave the room when the doctors or nurses come in to consult with the patient. Don’t bring gifts of food because the patient’s diet may be restricted, and don’t bring your children unless you have checked with the patient.”

A Reader, via e-mail, says: “Ask a family member before calling the room or giving out the room phone number. Some patients can’t reach or answer the phone; the ringing drives everyone nuts or wakes up the patient and the caregiver. Pick a spokesperson to keep in touch with the patient; don’t get offended if the family asks for ‘no visitors, please’ or limited visitors. Ask before sending flowers. Ask the family or nursing staff before giving the patient anything (food or water or candy). Don’t talk about what went wrong with Aunt Zesie, who had the same thing, and how the doctors don’t know what they are doing or XYZ drug caused bad side effects. If you can’t be positive, don’t say anything. Offer caregivers a hot meal; stay while they go home or just get out for a while. Ask if they need toiletries, books, newspapers, cup of coffee or water, or snacks.”

Patricia R. of Bellaire, Texas, says: “Some hospitals now have e-cards that you can grab on their website, which they will print out and take to the patient. Those might be more convenient than physical mailed cards.”

Barbara B. of Tyler, Texas, says: “The patient needs rest and does not need the added stress of visitors. I do not visit in the hospital unless I am a regular visitor to the person’s home.”

Paula M., via e-mail, says: “When the patient returns home, it does not mean he is totally well and is up for a long visit. The same rules apply.”

All good hints to keep in mind whether visiting someone at home, a hospital or a nursing facility. Most important: If you are the patient, let your preferences be known.


Dear Heloise: I love to have out-of-town friends stay at my home when they are visiting the area. I try to wash sheets and remake beds the day visitors depart, but sometimes other things stop me from keeping this schedule. To remind myself, I have embroidered three small pieces of cloth with the phrase: “Our home is your home.” I place one on a pillow of the beds that are ready for guests. I know the sheets are clean, and our guest knows we are happy to have him or her with us. I use them over and over again.

Diane J., via e-mail

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, fax it to 210-HELOISE or e-mail it to Heloise@Heloise.com.

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