Poland students raise dough for Haiti


Neighbors | Submitted.Poland Middle School students Brielle Nocera (left), Noelle Kosela, Danielle Fishel, and Bryana Pecchia presented Gail Froomkin, Public Relations Director from the Mahoning Chapter of the American Red Cross, with a check for Haiti relief. .The middle school held a fund raiser and a portion of the proceeds were donated to the American Red Cross for victims of the earthquake in Haiti.

Poland Middle School students participated in a frozen cookie dough sale as a spring fundraiser.

Several students approached Principal Mark Covell and expressed a desire to do some sort of fundraising for the people of Haiti.

Since the students already had a fundraiser planned, the staff and students agreed that it would be nice to donate a portion of the money to victims of the Haiti earthquake.

The school contacted the American Red Cross to make the donation.

The fundraiser’s top four sellers, Danielle Fishel, Noelle Kosela, Bryana Pecchia and Briella Nocera were on hand for the presentation to Gail Froomkin, public relations director for the Mahoning Chapter of the American Red Cross.