HELOISE: Hints help to make perfect cakes

Dear Readers: Nothing says “Happy Birthday” like a home-baked cake! Through the years, readers have shared their helpful hints for baking the perfect cake. I’ll bet there are a few hints you haven’t heard. For instance:

We’ve all used a toothpick to test for cake doneness. But for deep cakes, like angel food, a piece of uncooked spaghetti is long enough to go all the way through.

When using powdered cake mix, put the water in the bowl first, then the dry mix. It helps prevent powder pockets on the bottom of the bowl.

Let the cake cool for at least 10-15 minutes or so on a wire rack. Then run a spatula or knife around the edges to help loosen the cake from the pan.

Place the pans on the same middle rack in the middle of the oven so each layer of a cake will bake evenly.

And, no icing on hand? Place marshmallows on the cake just before taking it out of the oven, or use jelly or jam as a quick frosting for the top.


Dear Heloise: I am constantly washing my hands, especially when I am in the kitchen. Instead of throwing away the paper towel that I use to dry my hands, I let the paper towel air-dry and use it again to wipe up spills on my white tile kitchen floor. The roll of paper towels lasts three times as long!

Jeanne Pryor, South Orange, N.J.

Dear Heloise: Here’s a hint for freshening up bagged salad. If you open a bag and it smells less than fresh but is not wilted, put the lettuce in a colander, sprinkle with a generous amount of baking soda and rinse with water until all the baking soda is gone. It will smell fresh again.

Amy, via e-mail

Although baking soda can be used to clean lettuce and other veggies, if the salad smells “funny,” I don’t think I would take a chance on eating it. Baking soda does have a zillion money-saving uses in your home. It can be used to clean the microwave, deodorize the dishwasher and was even used to clean the Statue of Liberty! A handy box or two is a must for every household. For more hints to cut your budget and even some yummy recipes, just send $5 and a long, self-addressed, stamped (61 cents) envelope to: Heloise/Baking Soda, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5001. Baking soda is safe for the environment, and you can even use it to brush your teeth!


Dear Heloise: I bake healthy muffins for my husband, using flaxseed meal and oatmeal, fresh blueberries, etc. My quick tip for young bakers is to use the individual packs of flavored instant oatmeal. Sprinkle on top of each muffin before baking. Instant crunchy topping. Delicious!

Carolyn, Omaha, Neb.

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