HELOISE: Powder or liquid for your washer?

Dear Heloise: I thought the reader letter about washing machines was interesting. She said her repairman told her to always use liquid detergent to avoid buildup. My repairman told me to never use liquid detergent because it clogs up the inside of the hoses. I said, “What, it has high cholesterol?” He laughed and said that was a good description. He recommended that I always use powdered detergent. Any ideas on which answer is the correct one?

Amy K., via e-mail

Amy, our friends at the Soap and Detergent Association say whichever form of detergent you prefer is OK. The cleaning advice given to the reader by her repairman was good. Once a month, run the washer, empty, with hot water, and this should dissolve any detergent buildup.

Other interesting detergent facts: In the United States, liquid detergents outsell powders. Liquids are effective on greasy stains and make good pretreaters for tough stains, while powdered detergent is better for lifting out ground-in dirt and clay, which makes it ideal for kids’ clothes.

Also, some people tend to use more detergent than needed, especially liquids. The measuring caps are difficult to read, and some feel the more suds, the better, but that’s not the case!

If you use powdered detergent, add it per the directions while the washer is filling with water so the powder can dissolve, then add the clothes. And don’t overfill the washer. The clothes must be able to move around and be rinsed well. More clothes means not-so-clean clothes!


Dear Heloise: When moving into our new house, it would be a long time before we could get curtains, and we needed a way to close off some of the windows for privacy.

The problem was solved when I bought a selection of bath and beach towels and cafe curtain rods with clips. After putting up the rods, I stitched down a few inches on the top of each towel to make a stiff “header,” and measured and marked the distance between clips with a laundry marker. Within a short time, we had “drapes.”

Virginia Welch, Hampton, Conn.

Dear Heloise: If you make a mistake and ruin a perfectly good postage stamp, don’t worry. Put the envelope in the microwave for six to eight seconds, and it will peel right off. Good as new, and ready for the new envelope.

Stacy, Bumpass, Va.

Stacy, we decided to give your hint a try, and yep, it worked perfectly. One note, though: We microwaved it for eight seconds, and when it came out, it was a little hot to the touch. So be careful.


Dear Heloise: When staying at a hotel/motel, if there is a refrigerator, put the plastic ice bucket inside, and the ice will last longer. This saves trips to the ice machine.

Leland, Palm Beach, Fla.

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