SBlt There will not be a food giveaway today at New Beginnings Outreach Ministries in Youngstown. An item on page B1 Friday was in error.

SBlt An article on page D7 Thursday about Winslow’s Cafe at the Butler Institute of American Art incorrectly stated that the previous operator of the cafe, Thymely Events Inc., operates coffee shops at several branches of the Public Library of Youngstown and Mahoning County. Thymely used to operate coffee shops at two libraries but ceased about a year ago, library officials said.

XVerifiable errors, omissions, and clarifications are handled here. If you believe the information in an article was incorrect, call the appropriate department heads at (330) 747-1471; Regional Desk, ext. 1384; Social, ext. 1282; Entertainment, ext. 1236; Sports, ext. 1292.