Stainless steel sinks require special care

Dear Readers: Many readers have stainless-steel sinks, and we get lots of questions about how to care for them. So, here are the Heloise hints:

• Do not clean with harsh or abrasive detergents.

•Don’t use greasy or oily rags to clean sink.

•Wipe sink down regularly with baby, mineral or vegetable oil.

•Spray sink with a mixture of white vinegar and water, and buff dry.

• During and after cleaning, always rinse with lots of water.

•Don’t use muriatic acid (or any cleaners like tile or grout cleaner that contain it), since it causes dark stains that you can’t remove.

•Don’t clean with chlorine bleach or use any cleaners that have it as an ingredient.

For more information on keeping your stainless-steel sinks looking new, check out the Specialty Steel Industry of North America’s Web site at Heloise

Dear Heloise: I use my business card on my luggage tags. In addition to increased security, this also provides an 800 number for easier contact. In case you are retired or not working, a relative may be an alternative resource. Peter, Scotch Plains, N.J.

Dear Heloise: I found that the cheapest way to clean glass-top stoves is to wet a sponge or dishrag, then dip it in baking soda. Rinse and wipe dry with paper towels. It gets off burnt-on spills with little effort. Toni Lynch, via e-mail

Baking soda is one of my favorite, environmentally safe products to use instead of expensive cleaners! For a multitude of money-saving hints using baking soda, order my six-page Heloise’s Baking Soda Hints and Recipes pamphlet by sending $5 and a long, self-addressed, stamped (61 cents) envelope to: Heloise/Baking Soda, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5001. FYI: Heloise

Dear Heloise: I have four boys; the youngest are 3 and 2. Their favorite activity is playing outside in the water. Every time I turn around, they’re outside turning on the faucet.

I found that one of the round, plastic doorknob safety latches that cover the knob keeps little ones from turning the handle. It fits right over the handle of the faucet, and voil ° — no more extra running water. Renee Morningstar-Wallace, Springfield, Ohio

Dear Heloise: I keep a roll of packing tape in my kitchen. To make resealable packages for flour, sugar, etc., I simply apply a strip of tape to the package, and a second strip to the top. I fold the end of the top strip under to create a tab for easy opening. Each time I use the product, I can “reseal” the package, and the product stays fresh. Carol Smolen, Las Vegas

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