Animal shelters need newspapers, Scouts learn

Dear Heloise: I was at Animal Care Services with my daughter yesterday. Her Girl Scout troop did its Bronze Award service project on behalf of ACS last year, so we went back to visit and deliver rope chew toys to the pups. The volunteer coordinator said that ACS always needs newspapers. Your readers can recycle their newspapers by donating them to ACS or other animal-rescue organizations. Denise Richter, San Antonio

Denise, wow, Girl Scouts and helping animals — what a perfect match! Heloise

Dear Heloise: A recent column mentioned a reader’s problem with weevils and moths hatching from birdseed stored in her pantry. I had a similar problem when I would store a year’s supply in the basement.

My solution was to buy only one 50-pound bag at a time and empty its contents into a 30-gallon galvanized trash can located outside near the feeder. This kept larvae and moths out of the house and also facilitated filling the feeder.

You might need a heavy weight on the lid to keep squirrels from prying it open. I found that using an elastic cord doesn’t work, as the squirrels will chew right through it. Perry Crabill, Winchester, Va.

Dear Readers: Mary Lu Saunier of Smith River, Calif., sent a photo of her two orange-and-white cats, Polli and Qwill, who look like statues guarding her deck. To see the cats, visit Heloise

Dear Heloise: I have two rescue dogs that love a morning stroll. Recently, my neighbor and her beautiful rescue dog were both injured when a dog got out of the yard and attacked them during their walk. Since then, she takes a golf putter to use in case she needs to defend her dog again.

I began carrying a golf club for protection. It’s awkward trying to manage two leashes and a golf club, so I threaded the hand loop of each leash through the club and hold each end of the club crosswise in front of me as we walk. When I approach the problem area, I slip the leashes off the club and have it ready to use if I need it. Morning walks are less stressful knowing I have something to help me protect my two wonderful pets. M.M., via e-mail

Dear Heloise: A hint when walking a dog: Walk your dogs only early in the morning or late in the evening, as the heat on sidewalks and pavement during the middle of the day is very uncomfortable for them. You have shoes on and don’t feel the heat. Andria Odean, Prescott, Ariz.

Dear Heloise: I have ice packs in the freezer in case my dogs get overheated running around during the hot summer. A large frozen towel also can be useful, at home or in a plastic bag for the car. Delyse, via e-mail

SBlt Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to

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