How to get White House to send out greetings

Dear Readers: Many have written asking about having birthday greetings sent from the White House. You can send your request by mail or fax. The fax number is (202) 456-2461; the mailing address is:

The White House, Attention: Greetings Office, Washington, D.C., 20502-0039.

The White House will send greetings only to United States citizens and for specified special occasions. These special occasions are:

UBirthday greetings (for those 80 years and above).

UWedding (send your request after the event, and include the couple’s married names and current or new address).

UBaby’s birth (include baby’s date of birth and full names and address of baby and parents — must be born during current administration).

UEagle Scout award.

UGirl Scout Gold Award.

UBar/bat mitzvah (or equivalent occasion).

UAnniversary greeting (only for those married 50 years or more).

Advance notice is required. Your request must be received six weeks ahead of the event date. This deadline must be met. Greetings are generally not sent after the date, except for wedding and birth acknowledgments.

The required information below must be included with the request:

UName and home address of honoree.

UForm of address (Dr., Mr., Mrs., Miss, etc.).

UExact date of the occasion (month, day and year).

UAge (birthdays) or number of years of marriage (anniversary).

URequestor’s name and daytime phone number.

The White House normally will mail the greeting 14 days prior to the event. Wedding and birth greetings usually are sent after the event. Heloise

P.S.: When I called the White House to check that the information was still correct, the operator said they know I’ve printed this in my column because that’s what people tell them. It’s nice to know my readers take action.

Dear Heloise: Look on the bottom of your computer mouse. If it has a light on the bottom, it is a laser mouse (and not a mouse with a track ball). A laser mouse needs a solid-color surface to work smoothly, because it tracks by light. When tellers complain that their mouse cursor is often erratic, it is because the mouse is confused by the logo of a multicolored mouse pad. A wood-grain surface can give the mouse the same conflicting signals. Experiment with different colors of heavy card stock or even a tabletop surface. Maurice S., New Braunfels, Texas

Dear Heloise: To the gentleman who suggested that one always should buy insurance when renting a vehicle, please be aware that my policy specifically notes the inclusion of coverage during downtime. The only issue is that if a person has an accident with the car rental and it is the person’s fault, the event will be charged to the personal account, thereby possibly impacting his or her insurance premiums.

I suggest that your readers review their coverage with their insurance company or broker before paying for needless insurance. Paul B., Prescott, Ariz.

SBlt Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to

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