Dryer gets out dog hair

Dear Heloise: I have four rescue dogs and slipcovers on my couches. I have spent hours and a fortune on products that were supposed to remove the hairs. I now put the slipcovers in the dryer on fluff for about 10 minutes, and the dog hair is gone. I clean out the lint tray afterward, of course. A perfect, easy solution. Delyse, via e-mail

First, thank you for taking care of rescue dogs — there are so many that need homes! Good advice about using the dryer. Heloise

Dear Heloise: As pool season is coming to a close, suggest to your pool manager a towel drive for animal shelters. Along with the lost-and-found towels our pool club annually donates, we put up a sign at the front desk asking members to donate old and unwanted towels. Last year, we donated eight large garbage bags to local shelters. Brenda H., Bethesda, Md.

Good for you and the shelter! What about sports teams, gyms and schools? Please let me know what the response is. Heloise

Dear Heloise: I raise miniature dachshunds, and my husband was always complaining about how expensive airline pet carriers are. Pups would chew the sides and doorways of the crates sometimes when we put them in there.

One day at a discount store, I noticed big plastic bins on sale (the type with lids for storing). I bought five of the tallest bins (one in every color). I placed newspaper in the bottom and put puppies inside. Lo and behold, the pups could not jump out or reach the top of the bucket to chew the edges. Now, our house is literally full of these puppy bins! When I want a puppy, I ask one of my kids to grab “the little red pup in the purple bin,” and it’s a great way to tell the litters apart quickly.

I didn’t throw out the lids. I gave them to my children for under their beds. When I ask them to clean up their rooms, they drag out a lid, throw all the small toys and stuff on the upside-down lid and slide it back under the bed. Karen, Canyon Lake, Texas

Dear Readers: Gerald Guiou of Richmond, Maine, sent a photo of his two cats, one white and one black. Bodine and Bo Jangles are cuddled up head to head and toes to toes! They look like they are comfortable.

To have a look at these cats, visit www.Heloise.com. Heloise

Dear Heloise: I’ve been in many stores where birds were trapped inside. Years ago, when working in a warehouse, a bird became trapped inside. My co-workers and I showed him the door by turning off all the lights and opening the exterior door wide. The bird flew out the door immediately. It probably helped that it was a bright, sunny day. Debbie M., Baton Rouge, La.

• Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to Heloise@Heloise.com.

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