Stand up or leave

Stand up or leave


Hubbard High School student, Roxanne Westover, an atheist, has it all wrong. She claims that the Pledge of Allegiance “is more like a religious oath.” Maybe she should listen to the words closer. “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America” (not to God). Yes, I do know it does mention God in the Pledge, but you are pledging your allegiance to the country in which you live. A country, by the way, that affords all the freedoms we enjoy.

She should get off her butt and stand up, if not for her country or God, for all the service men and women protecting this great country. Some are making the supreme sacrifice, with their lives even, for people like her. She also encourages others to stand up for their beliefs. Well, I’m standing up for my belief, and that is the freedom of speech to say how I feel about people not supporting and having respect for our country.

If she doesn’t like it here, she should think about moving to a country that would welcome Americans who won’t pledge allegiance to the United States. Good riddance. I am reminded of a popular quote from my generation: America, love it or leave it. God bless America.

