Much to be thankful for

Much to be thankful for


On this Thanksgiving, as always, I am thankful for my wonderful family. My five wonderful children who have all become very productive, giving Christian adults. I am thankful for my fantastic, beautiful grandchildren. I am thankful for my job at St. Elizabeth Hospital, and all the wonderful nurses and support staff that I work with each day. I am thankful for the patients in Acute Rehab who touch my life every day with their courage and perseverance that makes their fight for survival successful.

I am especially thankful for my wonderful, courageous husband, who in spite of his constant, silent battle with Multiple Sclerosis has managed to accomplish so much in his position as fire chief of the Village of McDonald. In this past year alone he has managed to secure a major grant which made it possible for the entire department to receive new fire gear. In recent years as chief he has helped to obtain a new ambulance, new radios and pagers for everyone, keep a part-time program in place that provides daytime coverage for our village when most of the volunteers are working their regular jobs. He has managed to encourage education and training and fought hard to help get financing for education of our members. He has been an excellent instructor and inspiration to our young firefighters, often making himself the victim on a roof, down a gully or in an attic so that they could practice search and rescue. He never asks anyone to do anything that he himself cannot and would not do.

To look at him you would not know the hidden pain and fatigue of MS. The fire service and his love of it has given him the drive and determination to win the fight. This past year has been especially difficult for him since he lost his beloved father suddenly in April. My children and I salute and give thanks for a real American Hero, Ed Winterbauer. Hail to the Chief.

