Firefighters promoted


NEW ASSIGNMENT: Lt. Chris Weaver of Youngstown has his new badge pinned to his shirt by his wife, Tammy, after a swearing-in ceremony of new officers Wednesday at the main fire station. Weaver is one of six new lieutenants in the Youngstown department.

The new officers were sworn in Wednesday.

By John W. Goodwin Jr.

YOUNGSTOWN — The Youngstown Fire Department has some new ranking officers.

Mayor Jay Williams and Fire Chief John O’Neill conducted swearing-in ceremonies Wednesday for 16 firefighters promoted to the ranks of battalion chief, captain and lieutenant.

The newly promoted officers combine for dozens of years of experience.

O’Neill said the officers will replace those nine firefighters who took buyouts and retired from the department earlier this year. He said the promotions have reduced the number of nonranking firefighters in the department for a short time, but the department will continue to operate as it always has.

“By late January, we should have some additional firefighters,” he said. “We will be a little shorthanded, but all trucks and everything will remain open and running. We just have to get through the remainder of this year.”

O’Neill said he plans to “juggle” vacation time and other days off to make sure the department has enough personnel on staff to operate properly. The department now has 129 total members, 70 of whom are firefighters.

Williams said the buyouts, promotions and future hiring will be a savings to the city. He said the incoming firefighters will be at a lower starting wage before progressing through the ranks, thus saving the city money.

“This saves the city a significant amount of money because of the lower starting salaries,” he said. “It gives us the opportunity to have a fully staffed department with the experience based on the promotions today and save a significant amount of money. Over the years, those hired will progress through the ranks, but it is an immediate savings. This is an ideal situation.”

Williams, during the swearing-in ceremony, thanked the firefighters and their families for the service to the city and surrounding community.

“The fact that these families give these men and women to us to serve is going above and beyond. That call to duty is something I do not take lightly,” he said. “I want to say thank you as mayor and as a citizen.”

For Battalion Chief Richard Russo, Wednesday’s promotion was a family tradition. Russo’s father is a retired fire chief, and his brother is currently a member of the city’s fire department.

“This has really been a lifelong dream, something when you come on you just look forward to,” he said.

Russo has been a member of the department for 34 years.

Capt. Tracey Wright has been a member of the department for 16 years, joining after being a paramedic for several years. She looks forward to moving forward in her new position.

“I am pretty excited,” she said. “I am one of two females in the department getting promoted through the ranks, and that’s pretty exciting.”

Capt. Donald Price joined the department more than nine years ago determined to be a productive member of society and an example to young men.

“I just want to be a positive role model for young black kids to show there is more out there than running with the streets,” he said.


Newly promoted firefighters

The Youngstown Fire Department promoted 16 firefighters to battalion chief, captain and lieutenant:


Gary DiTullio

Richard Russo

Silverio Caggiano

CAPTAINS ($62,071)

Tracey Wright

Donald Price II

Kevin Johnson

Lisa Santiago

Mark Farragher

Michael German

John Reiter


Shawn Murray

Benjamin Esposito

Christopher Weaver

Brian Hoffman

Eric Swanson

Paul Lutton