Nurse tells how her office handles patients’ test results

Dear Heloise: I am a nurse who has worked in a couple of family clinics. When a result is received on a patient’s test, the doctor reviews it, gives his recommendation, and then I would contact the patient. After contact was made, I would then document the day, time the call was placed, whether I spoke with the patient and any recommendations in the patient’s chart. I never would leave any results on a patient’s voice mail or send the results by fax or e-mail.

We did not allow nonmedical personnel to call any patients with lab and/or test results. They don’t have the medical background to complete this task or answer any questions the patients may have. By doing this, we protect ourselves. Kimberely, Omaha, Neb.

Many readers have written to comment about medical results not being reported to the patient. Your letter stresses that most offices do a fine job. Thank you for writing. Heloise

P.S.: When in doubt, call!

Fast Facts

Dear Readers: Here are some uses for pine cones:

•Can be burned in a fireplace (use caution, because they can pop and spark out of the fireplace).

•Place in plant pots to discourage kitty from digging.

•Place in the bottom of a floral vase as a flower frog for artificial flowers.

•Make into bird feeders by covering with peanut butter and then rolling in birdseed. Heloise

Dear Heloise: Ever buy a dozen eggs, then put them in your fridge’s plastic egg tray with the few eggs you bought the previous week? You want to use up the older ones first, but you can’t tell which ones these are? I solved this by alternately buying white eggs one week and brown the next — no confusion. Paula from Falls Church, Va.

An egg-cellent hint. You also can mark the older ones with a pencil to identify them. Another hint about eggs: The American Egg Board says that eggs should not be stored in the fridge door because of the constant exposure to temperature change and vibrations when the door is opened and closed. The best way to store eggs is in the egg carton on a shelf. Heloise

Dear Heloise: When you’re giving a gift, instead of struggling to cut off the price from the tag or cover it up with ink, use a tape version of typewriter correction fluid. One small strip covers the price without a mess. Nancy George, Findlay, Ohio

Sound Off

Dear Heloise: Why have so many fast-food shops eliminated purse hooks in restrooms? It is most frustrating to have to put a purse or coat on the floor. Most locally based shops and restaurants still have them. Would you please put in a strong word to the franchise managements? Thanks. Pat D., New Braunfels, Texas

You said it loud and clear. I hope management is listening. Heloise

SBlt Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to

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