A quiz

A quiz

Rate your stress level

Here are 17 questions to test the amount of stress in your life. Answer true or false to each one.

1. I have more than enough time to do what I want to do.

2. I am on a health regimen that helps me feel energized.

3. I look forward to every day.

4. There are no people in my life, at home or at work, who drain me.

5. I love my home — the location, contents, feel and style.

6. I have no clutter in my home or office.

7. I have a life pursuing what I want instead of what I should do.

8. My work is satisfying and rewarding.

9. I take at least two weeklong vacations a year.

10. I don’t work on weekends.

11. I get plenty of sleep.

12. I have quality time with people who matter to me.

13. I have a hobby or pastime outside of work or family.

14. I eat foods that make me feel energized, not sluggish.

15. I have the space to take 15 minutes of silence a day.

16. I have friends who are easy to be with and I enjoy them.

17. I carry no heavy emotional burdens or addictive behaviors.

If you answer nine or more as true, you are doing reasonably well, says Dr. Kathie Nelson, a Youngstown internist. Eight or less? You need a little fine-tuning, she said.

Source: Dr. Kathie Nelson, WebMD