Chalk up marker-free sidewalk to this tip

Dear Heloise: I usually let my young children draw on the concrete sidewalk outside our house with sidewalk chalk. Well, the other day, without me knowing, they grabbed a bunch of permanent markers instead of chalk without my permission and drew on the sidewalk! Can you help? The homeowners association is having a fit! Melissa H., San Antonio

Melissa, you’re in luck! We printed the answer to your problem in my Good Housekeeping “Ask Heloise” column last year, and here it is:

First step: Wet the stain, then apply enough powdered or liquid dishwasher detergent (both of which contain bleach, as well as deep-cleaning agents) to cover. Scrub with a utility brush; let sit for 20 minutes or so; rinse or hose off. You might need to repeat. While cleaning, keep pets and kids away from the area. Heloise

Dear Heloise: Hang a corkboard with a note pad and pen or pencil in your laundry room to hold laundry notes (i.e., “hang all jeans,” “don’t put in dryer”). Also use to hold a list for the store — jot down products as you run out of them. Vianne, via e-mail

Dear Heloise: When my daughter was sick, I put a turntable on the night stand next to her bed. It held medicines, tissues, water, alarm clock, remote control — anything she might have needed was within easy reach. Amanda R., Colorado Springs, Colo.

Dear Heloise: Keep shoes organized and your closet neater (if you have the space) by using the original shoe boxes. Store them on a shelf (stack upward for more storage) with a quick description written on the end facing you, or tape a picture of the shoes to the end of the box. Now, they are easy to find! Ruth S., via fax

Dear Readers: If you are planning to store a refrigerator or freezer for a short time, you must clean it thoroughly first. Then place some fresh coffee grounds, baking soda or charcoal in a couple of old, clean socks and put them inside each compartment before storing. This will help neutralize any stale odors while the unit is closed up. Heloise

Dear Heloise: Here is how I eliminated that musty, dusty smell from my vacuum cleaner: I added several whole cloves to the bag. It works great! Linda Lou, Minneapolis

Dear Heloise: I keep a box of tissues on my sink vanity, and any spilled water would make it a soggy tissue mess. I turned the box upside down and put a pushpin in each corner. Now it has little feet that will keep it away from spills. Problem solved! Bailey Jeanette in Texas

SBlt Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to

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