Puppy who had lost her home proves to be special pet

Dear Heloise: A while ago, you had a column about many pets losing their homes in the foreclosure crisis, and how adopting one of these homeless pets could end up adding a very special member to your family.

Last year, we adopted a Chihuahua puppy, Isabelle, whose owner was losing her home, even though we already had “two” many dogs.

Several months later, our little schnauzer died, and our little poodle passed away later that year. I cannot begin to express how much of a comfort Isabelle was during these times, and how fortunate we are to have her. She has indeed become more special than I ever could have imagined. Jacky in Omaha, Neb.

Jacky, so sorry about losing your two beloved dogs, but am glad to hear that an adorable adoptee now has a loving home and a place in your heart. Folks, visit a shelter — you might find the right fit for your home. Heloise

Dear Heloise: We have a cat fountain, and I’ve found that if I dump the water and rinse the filter well every day or so, the slimy buildup doesn’t happen. Then every two weeks, I take the fountain apart and toothbrush all the components and refill.

By the way, when you print a hint that I’m already doing, that’s OK, because it makes me feel so smart! Debbie Carpenter, via e-mail

Dear Heloise: I read your hint in the Kennebec Journal (Augusta, Maine) about airing out dog beds but have misplaced it. Could you please reprint this article? Thank you for your help. Gayle Leach, Augusta, Maine

Sure, happy to! Most pet beds are made with removable zippered covers these days. Just unzip and throw in the washing machine, but don’t use scented detergent. Baking soda is also a great odor-remover if you can’t launder the cover. Air out the bed outside for a few hours in the sun, then sprinkle with baking soda for freshness. Heloise

Dear Readers: Christi Palmer of Wichita Falls, Texas, sent a photo of her 15-year-old white domestic long-haired cat, Bear, resting in a tent made from newspapers. To see Bear in his homemade tent, visit www.Heloise.com. Heloise

Dear Heloise: I have a peaceful solution to the problem of being attacked by dogs running loose while walking. I carry a plastic bag with bits of cut-up sandwich bologna slices and toss them to the threatening dogs. Not only does it stop their barking, but the next time they see you, they wag their tails! Nell Mardell, The Villages, Fla.

Dear Heloise: If your dog or kitty has to go outside during bad weather and you’re busy and don’t want to forget about letting your pet back in, grab your kitchen timer or set the alarm on your cell phone or oven. Natalie in Virginia

SBlt Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to Heloise@Heloise.com.

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