Reader’s hard-water hint saves the vase

Dear Heloise: My hubby gave me a beautiful, signed, bowl-shaped vase. To save it from damage by our hard water, I placed a small drinking glass in it and fill that glass with water and cut flowers. You can’t see the glass, so it doesn’t take away from the vase itself, and there will be no hard-water lines to damage my vase! Thanks for all of your hints. Nikki Karell, via e-mail

This is a great way to protect a special vase from hard-water buildup. If hard-water stains ever do become a problem, remember this: Fill the vase to cover the stain with warm to hot vinegar and let sit overnight. Rub with a plastic scrubber, rinse and dry. Heloise

P.S.: Apple-cider or white 5 percent acid vinegar should be in every household!

Dear Heloise: My granddaughter started resisting the use of a bib when she was about 21‚Ñ2, plus a bib didn’t really protect her clothes when she started feeding herself. Much of her dinner ended up in her lap.

One Sunday when she was over, she didn’t want to change out of her dress from church before dinner, so I put one of my T-shirts on over her dress. She loves wearing Grandma’s shirt, and it covers all of her clothing. When she is done eating, all of the spilled food that has collected in her lap can be rolled up into the shirt before taking it off. The only one who is unhappy with the results is the dog. He doesn’t get as many crumbs when he cleans up under the table after dinner! Kristina M., via e-mail

Dear Heloise: I am a crafter and have many odds and ends of crafting supplies. I organize same items in the clear plastic containers that held strawberries, doughnuts and takeout salads from the grocery store. Shirley Fike, Alexandria, Va.

Dear Heloise: I have an easy way to open jar lids that are hard to open. I use a pair of surgical gloves, which provide a strong grip. One hand on the jar and one hand on the lid, and twist in opposite directions. Voil °! It works every time! Sam Gollay, Huntington Beach, Calif.

Dear Heloise: Thank you for the article on baking soda for a facial. It also is great for your hair! Once a month, add 2 tablespoons to a cup of water and use to rinse your hair. It will unload all the stuff from hair sprays and shampoo! Laura in Ocean Ridge, Fla.

Dear Heloise: I had an old shower mat that was torn. I reused it by cutting pieces of it and placing them in the bottom of an empty plant pot. When soil is placed inside the container, it stays put, but water can still drain. Victoria, via fax

SBlt Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to

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