Home-recipe hint will leave you smooth, silky

Dear Heloise: I have searched for the article on bath salts (home recipe). I remember Epsom salts, glycerin and oil, but not the amounts or the method. Please, please print this again. Connie Kneeland, Terre Haute, Ind.

This is one of my favorite recipes! It’s like a spa treatment in your own home! Your skin will love this fabulously scented salt scrub that is so easy to make.

Put 3 cups of Epsom salts in a bowl (do NOT use plastic). In another bowl, mix 1 tablespoon of glycerin, a few drops of food coloring and enough perfume or essential oil to scent it. Mix all the ingredients together. Store the mixture in a covered plastic or glass container. Be sure to clearly mark on the container what the contents are.

When you are ready for your spa treatment, get in a hot shower and apply the salts to your skin. This will not only exfoliate your skin, but will leave your skin feeling soft and silky, and you feeling very relaxed. Heloise

Dear Heloise: Let me give your readers a little hint: Many of us have metal candleholders in which we light candles each night. As you know, the wax drips, and it is very difficult to clean the holders. I put some oil on a cotton ball and rubbed it all over the candleholder. It is very easy to clean. R.W. from West Palm Beach, Fla.

Dear Heloise: I save the outside envelopes that my mail comes in. As I go through the newspaper ads each week, I write on an envelope, with the store’s name at the top, things that I think I may be interested in. If I have a coupon, I place it in the envelope. When I go to that store, I have my shopping list and coupons together. If I decide not to purchase any of the items on my list, the only thing lost is a little of my time. The good part of this is that I handle the ads only once, keeping the buildup of papers at a minimum.

I also keep a small photo album of the hints that I like to remember and keep. These go in the albums instead of pictures and are ready to be reread. Jean Parham, Clover, S.C.

Dear Heloise: I use a lipstick brush to get lipstick directly from the tube as I’m using it. I sometimes dip into two different tubes to create another color. Patsy, via e-mail

Dear Heloise: I hate looking for a phone number. So, I took the cardboard from my husband’s laundry shirt and wrote all often-used phone numbers on it. I leave it under the phone. It doesn’t take up any room. I have one in the kitchen and one in the bedroom. I think it’s great. Ruth Peltz, Delray Beach, Fla.

SBlt Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to Heloise@Heloise.com.

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