St. Michael Altar Guild installs its officers for 2009-10

CANFIELD — Linda Fuller was installed as president of St. Michael Altar Guild for 2009-2010 during a candlelight ceremony at St. Michael Church.

Installed as her associate officers were Doris Neel, first vice president; Ann Garcia, second vice president; Dorothy Bellish, secretary; and Rita Bova, treasurer.

Named to head various committees were: Elaine Bloomhower, social; Ruth Molvin, publicity; Margaret Wood, telephone; Elizabeth Rehinger, historian; Mary Ann Silvestri, flowers; Pauline Weldon, sacristy; Diana Vaccaro, parliamentarian; Pat DeRosa, ways and Means; Virginia Gregor, sunshine; and Mary Ann Pavalko, membership.

Wood was lector, and the benediction was by Tom Soich, permanent deacon, who conducted the induction ceremony. He was assisted by Alvira Schultheis and Garcia.

Pat Hoyle, chairman of the board, was hostess for the dinner, and a member birthday celebration and gift exchange followed.