Alzheimer’s patient has clothing marked

Dear Heloise: My mom has Alzheimer’s and is in a nursing facility. A lot of her clothes get “lost” and wind up in the laundry room or someone else’s closet, even though they are clearly marked with her name and room number.

I bought inexpensive, solid-color tops with her entire name marked with a bold permanent marker across the back of the top (shoulder to shoulder), room number and, in smaller letters on the sleeve or hem, the initials of this cruel illness, “ALZ.”

This way, if someone “likes” her top and wants to adopt it, it will be clearly identifiable. She is not aware of the labeling, and even if she notices, she does not usually remember since it’s on the back. Out of sight, out of memory.

This makes her easily identifiable to workers in case she wanders, and hopefully alerts anyone that she has ALZ. This is an excellent idea for people who suffer from memory impairment, are still at home and could wander. I also put her name on a pant leg along the side or on the thigh area and decorated it with swirls and little flowers or butterflies. Most of her pants are black or jeans, and I found a silver metallic permanent pen works very well. Also, I mark the outside of sneakers and socks, and the insides of shoes or soles. Gloria S., via e-mail

Gloria, you’re kind to write and share your good advice with others who are in the same situation. Heloise

Dear Heloise: My wife and I wind up with a lot of empty 2-pound yogurt containers. Aside from recycling, I cut some of them up lengthwise for garden stakes and recycle the bottoms and top edges. I get 12 or so per container. Permanent markers don’t produce legible results for long in the garden. I write the type of produce and, after the ink dries, put clear adhesive tape over the words. Dwayne Shreve, Elkton, Md.

Dear Heloise: Anyone who goes for walks along narrow roads without shoulders should take a cue from bicyclists and wear bright, fluorescent colors. You can purchase an inexpensive reflective vest like construction workers wear from industrial-supply stores or home-improvement warehouses. I bought one for my grandmother’s friend, and she was amazed at the difference it made. When she was more visible, drivers slowed down and moved over for her. Jonathan Johnson, Battle Ground, Wash.

Dear Heloise: After coming back from a smoky restaurant with my dad, we were both complaining about how our clothes and hair smelled like cigarettes. I went to my laundry, grabbed a dryer sheet and rubbed it on my hair. My dad asked what I was doing, and I told him I was making my hair smell like laundry instead of smoke. Addie C., via e-mail

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